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 Implementation Manual - Component Documents


Welcome to the D2B: An Alliance for Quality Implementation Manual. The purpose of this manual is to provide participants with the evidence-based strategies and supporting tools necessary to reduce door-to-balloon times. The manual also details the processes for creating an environment for change and implementing these focused strategies.

The Manual, which was assembled by a group of experts in the fields of cardiology, emergency medicine, nursing and quality improvement sciences, is intended as a resource. Participants are encouraged to print out the documents to have handy throughout implementation efforts. It is segmented into the following areas:

  • D2B Overview
  • Creating Change
  • Project Support and Approval
  • Creating Your Team
  • Action Plan
  • Tool Kit
  • Data Monitoring and Feedback. 

Please email d2bstaff@acc.org with any questions or comments.

 Creating Change
 Project Support and Approval
 Creating Your Team
 Action Plan
 Tool Kit
 Data Monitoring and Feedback
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